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BlogsWhy is it essential to have a play space for children at home?

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Why is it essential to have a play space for children at home?

Children explore their space and everything related to their environment in early childhood. They love to learn about their world; therefore, encouraging imagination and creativity is essential in an area suitable for children to foster their development. More than just games, creating appropriate activities and spaces for them at home enhances their motor skills and socialization, makes kids more creative, and helps shape their personalities.

How should this space be planned?

Children need to explore without limits, as long as their environment is safe! Spontaneous activity is highly beneficial to them; this does not mean that the house should be a mess, but the child’s capacity for enjoyment should not be diminished either. In fact, every effort should be made to enhance their learning.

The place for the child to play must be easy to maneuver in and have excellent lighting and ventilation. The ideal would be a separate room for their play area, but many times that is not possible. We should remember that although a designated space for play is best, we must also allow children to explore all corners of the house as long as they are safe and supervised. If you have a garden or terrace, these outdoor areas are also perfect for inspiring their creativity.

When it comes to arranging this space, several factors must be taken into account:

Safety is one of the most essential elements: eliminate small or sharp objects that could be put in the mouth or tools that could cause injuries. Keep containers with detergents, cleaning or flammable products, and medicines up and away from children’s grasp. If there is a window, keep it locked so they do not risk falling out. Cover all power outlets, as children are usually curious and can risk electrical accidents.

The second important element to consider is the cleanliness of the space; this ensures the child’s good health. Toys and other furniture and accessories must be kept clean, as well as the floors, walls, shelves, and windows. If, on the other hand, you have decided to use the patio as the play area, there should be a covered space where you can protect your kids from the sun’s rays. Also, check that there is no unevenness in the floor or gaps in the railing, allowing a child to get hurt.

A multifunctional space is ideal

Ensure that the space where the child plays is multifunctional; this means that many types of games and activities are possible in the room. Some games will stimulate the imagination and creativity, such as art or building things, as will pretend play, where kids imitate adults and play at cooking, cleaning, or going to the store. All these activities stimulate a child’s imagination and help shape their personality.

Children love to feel that a particular room or space is just for them. It creates a sense of security and freedom for children since they can touch, explore, and play with everything they have in the space without asking for permission. So, if possible, set aside a room or part of it and fill it with your child’s favorite toys, books, and stuffed animals to make them feel a deep sense of comfort and belonging.

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